- Describe a family (not your own) that you like.
- Whose family this is
- Where they live
- Who are the family members
- Why you like this family
- Well, there are many families in my acquaintance (=contact) that are worth discussing, but it’s hard to pick one of them
- Anyway, if I’ve to choose the perfect family, I will give number one to the family of my friend, Tina
- I’ve known this family for the last 15 years. Tina and I have been studying and growing up together over these years. Hence, it’s the usual thing that we keep visiting each other’s family. In fact, I can say that it’s my extended family in a way, considering the amount of love and affection that I receive from her parents. Sometimes they also counsel me about my study and career plans
- They live in a luxurious villa in the same vicinity where I live. I love her house very much because it’s set within landscaped grounds. Plus, it has an absolute green backdrop because it’s surrounded by a number of mature forest trees
- Tina has a younger brother who is in year 12 right now. They are four in the family
- Words will fall short of praising the qualities of the Bhatia family
- Tina’s mom has a congenial (=affable, jovial, cordial) personality, and she’s a super successful businesswoman also. In business, she maintains order by sheer force of personality, and I guess she’s one of the adorable persons in the workplace, too.
- About her father, uncle Bhatia is an innovative kind of person. When you sit with him casually, he always comes up with some bright ideas on many things. He always discusses the solutions of any matter rather than cribbing (=complain) about problems like others. As a youth, I tend to learn a lot many things, which I might not learn from books. When he speaks, it’s always ‘pearls of wisdom’
- Not only these, but they are also full of life all the way. They create moments of happiness and live in the present. You can see their loving memories all over on Facebook and Instagram. They also travel a lot. Every year, they go to some exotic places in the world and bring back sweet memories and learning of the other culture and share with us
- To me, they are the happiest family on this earth, and they make every moment count. Uncle Bhatia always says, “You get only one life. Make it count!”
- One thing is sure that when I acquire my family, I will certainly emulate (=copy) what they do

- How do grandparents educate their grandchildren in your country?
I guess it’s hard to answer this question because it all depends on the grandparents’ personality and temperament. All humans don’t have the same qualities: some are full of wisdom, and others are full of negative mindsets.
Anyway, if I take the gist (=summary, tenor) of this question and generalize it, the first thing that grandparents teach children is the importance of several life skills in life. Children get all the book knowledge from the school, but life skills prepare them for adulthood and success. For example, my grandparents taught me many invaluable life skills, such as being punctual at work, doing my laundry, managing time, having good manners, being a good helper and team player, among others. I can go on and on. And, frankly speaking, you won’t believe how useful these life skills are in my life. I think the wisdom of grandparents plays a vital role in our success in the long run. And, there’s no doubt that grandparents are as knowledgeable as our professors and teachers who shape our lives positively.
- Who is the head of the family in your culture?
Both my parents jointly make all significant decisions in my family. But if I talk about the Indian culture, it has been an elderly male candidate who is the family head in most cases. However, things are changing for the good. You could see women are also coming forward and participating in all family decisions, especially in urban areas.
- Are grandparents important in your family?
Yes, they are. Our both sets of doting (=adoring, loving) grandparents are the pillars in the family. They’re always there to help children or grandchildren untiringly and incessantly (=constantly), no matter what nonsense or crime they have ever committed. Such selfless love and pampering are precious, and I say that they’re a guardian angel of all sorts for sure.
- In a typical family in your country, who plays the leading role?
I believe both moms and dads play equally an important role in raising children and looking after other family concerns. It will be unwise, or I would say discrediting, if I become selective on picking up either of them as far as dedication and sacrifice is concerned. Ideally, the father takes the expense of raising children, whereas the mother counsels children for career building and being a responsible citizen. However, things are also changing currently, majorly in urban areas, where you see both parents are the working ones, and they have shared responsibilities to guard their families against all sorts of challenges.
- For parents, what is important when bringing up their child?
I guess there could be several things we can discuss, but let me narrow down my response. Most parents are worried that children may go astray (=to go in the wrong direction) as they grow, and that’s the only colossal (=gigantic, very big) concern that they have. Then, they try to ensure that their children don’t become a liability to them. In other words, they want their children to embrace their responsibilities as they grow, and when they acquire their own families.
I don’t think that parents are concerned other than these fundamental expectations. But I think that’s not enough. Parents should also inculcate (=impart, indoctrinate, instill) the right values in their children. For example, they certainly advise children not to tell lies, but they themselves do that day in, day out (=everyday), so it’s a self-defeating training.
- What makes a good parent?
I think I would respect those parents who make their children responsible and give them wings to fly. They should offer a positive environment to children from which they get motivated and do something uncommon for themselves and society at large. Mediocre (=ordinary, dull) living is contagious, and parents must help children to come out of a mediocre life and think beyond imagination with the good values. When I say good values, it means they must be compassionate, sensitive, helping, and strong enough to take the world head-on.
- Do you think both parents should take equal responsibility for taking care of their children?
Yes, absolutely. Be it a family or a job; nothing great can be achieved without teamwork. So it is the right thing in the family! Their equal concentration on children ensures that they stay on the right course as they go. Plus, every person is unique with so many unimaginable things, and mature people learn from each other. The same applies to parents. For example, my dad is good at taking care of all the external concerns, whereas my mom teaches me to become a good person in life. Such a positive combination shapes the lives of children.
2. Describe a prize that you want to win.
- What the prize is
- What you need to do to get it
- How you know about it
- Why you want it
- What a coincidence? You know why I’m taking this test right now, it’s because I want to win the prize of £3,000 from the British Council as well as to study abroad
- British Council offers 10 prizes worth £3,000 to those students whose academic credentials are brilliant and a high score in the IELTS test, along with an essay of 500 words that should convince them why a particular student deserves this prize
- It’s a tough competition, though. Tens of thousands of students apply for this prize from India, and I’ll have to stand out (=emerge, stick out) of them to hit the jackpot
- Hence, not only do I need to score better in the IELTS test, but also I’ve to learn how to write a persuasive (=impressive, cogent, compelling) essay. The persuasive essay is not as easy as it looks. You need to develop critical thinking and have command over the English language to be in consideration
- The task ahead is full of challenges, and you don’t have trainers who specialize in this job, so it becomes rather complicated
- Luckily, someone suggested the name of a trainer in Canada who himself went through such processes. His name is Vinod Gambtoo. I shared my concern with him, and he agreed with me to train for this special skill
- I’m just about to submit all my papers along with the IELTS mark card in the next 15 days
- I’m thankful to two persons for this job. The first one is Mr. Gambtoo, and the other is my friend, Gurpreetkaur Khalsa
- I never knew about this prize, but she had all the details for this exciting scholarship and was preparing for the same. She’s a generous (=thoughtful, good, considerate) girl. Everyone wants to compete with a small number of rivals, and generally, they withhold (=conceal, hide) such vital information, which could strike down (=annul, disallow, nullify) their chances to win such prizes if there are too many contestants. But she doesn’t subscribe to such a narrow mindset for sure
- This prize is significant in two ways. First of all, it will reduce a little bit of the financial burden of my parents. And the second is it’s a certificate of achievement. Such prizes and scholarships increase your chances to be hired when you enter the labor market after your studies. The prize money doesn’t matter. Whether you win $100 or $100,000, it’s the recognition of your achievement that sets you apart (=to make somebody/something different from others or better than others) from others

- What rewards can children get from school?
It’s said that recognizing a student’s efforts is more valuable than money. All schools also have an instinct (=inclination, aptitude) to compete with other schools within the state or country. Therefore, students who are enrolled with them are the ones who will help them (to) achieve this target. Schools motivate students by giving various types of awards, such as a certificate of achievement, a certificate for good behavior, a certificate for recognizing students’ skills, i.e., innovative thrust, teamwork, leadership, academic excellence, and others. There are many ways to keep students in business. For example, when I was awarded scholarships by my school, I always felt connected with my school and its reputation. Such awards keep students thinking out of the box all the time. At times, schools take all the expenses of coaching and provide playing equipment to students interested in sports or who have performed well in the competitions.
- Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?
Yes, of course. Through competitions only, children can prove their worth or excel in academics or sports. Let’s see what exactly the meaning of any trophy or prize is? It gives students a sense of accomplishment, an increased level of self-confidence, respect among the peer group, and, more importantly, a pride for three parties: himself, school, and family. Students carry forward such a feeling of accomplishment throughout their lives, which can help them to succeed in their occupations in the long run. So, it’s not all about prize or money, but it could inspire them to think innovatively or work hard for themselves and society as a whole.
- What reward can companies offer to outstanding employees?
I guess only a few companies have developed an atmosphere for employees who want to remain associated with them in the world, or in fact, stay there for a longer time. Large corporations have a mixed bag of motivational tools for their employees. Some corporations offer hard cash to motivate top performers, whereas some companies have ways to boost company morale by giving them from new gadgets to dinners out to trips to some exotic places in the world. It all depends on how corporations evaluate the drivers for employee performance, and more importantly, it rests on the policy, philosophy, and vision of any company.
- What rewards do children want to get?
I think, first of all, they want the recognition of whatever good they have done while studying. A simple phone call from teachers to their parents on positive feedback also sends them into the orbit. Children love to receive trophies or badges of honor for their volunteer jobs or on the excellence of any extracurricular activities. Scholarships drive them to do better in studies and offer a feeling of accomplishment on which they feel proud while discussing it on any public forum. Apart from these monetary or non-monetary tools, they also appreciate their teachers’ verbal hugs when they fail in any mission. We cannot be winners all the time, but how to deal with failures gracefully is something that they learn from their mentors, coaches, and teachers. Therefore, this part of encouragement is as significant as other things for students that I discussed.
- Is it a good idea to reward children for doing homework or housework?
Yes, it is without any doubt. In fact, incentivizing students to complete their homework or household chores is a positive development. Children are always like clay, and school, along with parents, must mold them into the right shape and encourage them to be responsible citizens so that when they grow, a lot many things get streamlined for their good. Plus, every small thing in life teaches them good or bitter lessons. Only academics don’t determine the success of students in their careers, but how to deal with other concerns makes them composed and articulate all the ways.
- Should parents push their children to get prizes?
My answer is yes, but they should not push them overly to the point where they get frustrated if they fail. Their job is to offer a conducive environment to children whereby they feel motivated but not under any fear of losing and repercussions (=backlash, fallout, chain reaction) from parents. With the right amount of encouragement, children develop virtues, such as commitment, perseverance (=dedication, determination), tenacity (=courage, guts, chutzpah), grit (=the courage and strength of mind), camaraderie (=companionship, togetherness), and resilience (=bounce back). These qualities will invariably take them to their goals of becoming outperformers gradually.
3. Describe a short-term job you would like to do in a foreign country.
- What type of work you would like to do there
- What country you would like to work in
- Why you would like to work in this country
- Finding the right kind of job that hits all the right marks, such as satisfaction, money, and work-life balance is hard to achieve these days
- Most people ask, “What’s your passion?” And then you present or contemplate (=think about) your various interests in life. So, one of my interests is to work for animal betterment in my life
- I want to have a state-of-the-art veterinarian hospital in my town. Therefore, I would like to gain some hands-on experience working for a not-for-profit organization for animal betterment in Canada
- I’ve gone through plenty of openings as an animal care administrator online, and it seems that this cause is certainly underserved (=not getting enough help, services, or products) and underrepresented (=marginalized, belittled, diminished) all over the world
- I’ve done some research on this occupation and found that the government of Canada and several not-for-profit organizations spend millions of dollars to better the lives of animals. They spend billions of dollars in research to alleviate (=mitigate, allay, assuage, ease) the sufferings of animals day in, day out (=every day for a long period of time)
- I’ve also visited a few organizations, which take care of stray animals. While talking and gathering pieces of information, I found they’ve the expertise to deal with both the medical and psyche of animals, and that’s what gravitates me to this job and place
- Suppose I’ve experience of some years with such organizations and a little bit of know-how about how vets treat diseased and injured animals and ask about new advances that might help animals live longer and better. In that case, it will be handy for me to start a charitable organization dedicated to this cause in India later on

- What are the difficulties that people might face while working abroad?
I guess there could be many. First of all, I think language is a big barrier for immigrants or international workers working in other countries where the English language is the first language. No matter how proficient you are, but you can’t be as good as native speakers while communicating. Then, foreigners must adapt to or integrate into the host culture in order to be in sync with (=in agreement with somebody/something) the culture. Otherwise, it’s hard to make progress. You’ve gotta blend yourself with them in every aspect to be marketable. And the last is the weather. I come from India, which has almost hot weather round the year, and if I’ve to work or live in North America, the weather out there is utterly the opposite.
- What is the biggest challenge of working in a foreign country?
Along with the factors presented in my previous answer, there are yet other things that put immigrants into trouble. For example, corporations out there don’t have any idea about the school’s quality from where you have graduated. And therefore, they think twice to consider your academic achievement at par with their education system. The same trouble applies to your work experience. Imagine how we work in India and how they work there. It’s a day-and-night difference in reality. For example, clients in India have a strong urge to call for every small matter, whereas people there prefer all the communications recorded via emails. Therefore, it’s a 360-degree change, and you need to adapt to all new settings.
- How would you benefit from working at a multicultural company?
Of late, professional diversity is the centerpiece of all the corporate discussions. A vast number of corporations have a distribution channel globally, so they try to assimilate (=grasp, incorporate, understand) with the local culture. For employees, they will have an idea of how things work in other countries, and such an experience is like gold on your resume.
- Will it be beneficial for young people to work for an international company?
Absolutely, and there’s no doubt about it. The more you know about the world at a young age, the more chances you have to grow in the long run for sure. I guess global understanding in the line of business you are in will make you composed and articulate. And their benefits will be seen gradually with time.
- How do people get to know about international jobs?
It’s not hard at all. In the past, until the advent of new technology, we hardly had any knowledge about openings in the international market. But there are several recruitment websites that list jobs regularly now, and some of them operate globally.
- Is it difficult for people to get a job at an international company?
Yes, I think so. Most companies prefer to hire locals for several reasons. It’s a matter of convenience for both parties. Corporations have to spend time and money both while hiring candidates from other countries. Plus, they’re always skeptical (=doubtful, unconvinced) about the quality of their academic achievement and work experience. However, there are exceptions, too. For example, we Indians are known for our IT skills excellence, and this fact is wide open to the world. Hence, North American and European companies see worth in the Indian workforce in the tech world.
- Is it good that now people have an opportunity to live and work abroad?
I think it’s a positive development for both immigrants and host countries. Both parties need each other for their success. It’s like mortise and tenon (figurative, coined by Vinod Gambtoo). Immigrants get a better lifestyle living abroad, whereas host countries need population and their participation in economic activities.
4. Describe an event you experienced in which you did not like the music.
- Where it was
- What the event was
- What the music was like
- Why you didn’t like the music
- Last year, I attended the wedding of my cousin at Hyatt Regency in Ludhiana
- Certainly, it was a joyous moment for everyone, but I was really annoyed at my cousin’s decision to organize a live DJ band at the reception ceremony
- Apart from this DJ band inclusion, the venue was cool. Obviously, I can’t fault Hyatt for his bad decision, and the entire decoration of the ceremony was simply stupendous (=fabulous, fantastic)
- I had also visited this place before and had a tremendous experience as far as their background music choice is concerned. They generally have the background music of softly lapping water, and, in fact, it’s soothing to your ears
- I guess we often choose to listen to music that suits our activities and moods. It soothes our nerves and calms our minds
- But the live DJ band at the wedding reception is something torture. I don’t know who dared to start this gaudy (=showy, gross) music culture in my country
- You can’t hear anything, and the heavy sound of drums and guitar simply puts you off
- I mean, it’s OK to have the background music of softly lapping water on such occasions because I consider it a charming piece of music
- During the entire event, I had to yell in order to be heard over in the deafening noise. I was wondering what my cousin and his wife would have been going through
- My head started to ache, and I really wanted to leave the place, but I couldn’t do so as it was our family’s celebration
- Somehow, I managed my time and was faking my smile all the time
- After a few days, my newly-wed cousin also shared the same experience. He’s a sarcastic (=satirical, caustic, saucy) guy, and what he said made me burst out of laughing
- He said, “Because of this DJ band, I was also distracted by the splintering noises thundering in my ears. Thankfully, it didn’t disturb my first night”

- What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
Well, it all depends upon the occasion. I grew up listening to Rock and Pop music, and then gradually became fascinated by other genres also. I love to listen to Bryan Adams, Freddy Mercury, Bono, Roxette, Bon Jovi, Madonna, Sean Paul, Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Bob Dylan, Elvis, and many others. So, if you see the range, it has all types of genres.
- What kinds of music are most popular in your country?
In my country, people listen to a wide variety of music genres. I’ve seen people humming a tune of classical music, dancing on folk music in the countryside, the youth reveling on house music, baby boomers (=a person born during a baby boom, especially after the second world war) reliving their lives listening to rock and jazz music, and so on. There’s an endless list. Overall, Indians prefer those songs that have catchy lyrics and full of melodies. The music industry is worth billions of dollars in India. It means music is a part of our lives.
- Is it necessary for the government to require all children to learn music?
I don’t think so. The government cannot impose its decisions on people on any matter. Additionally, I don’t think that every kid loves music; some love to listen to it or some love to sing as well, but we cannot be sure that everyone desires to learn music as a subject. There’s sufficient support and environment for whoever wants to make a career in music or just want to learn it, but putting all the children through for the same will be over the top.
- Do you think music lessons are important?
I guess that makes sense. Music has been part of humankind over the centuries. And I think people feel connected with music if they are trained at the basic level. For example, musical training helps children master the skill of memorization.
- Why do many young people spend a lot of money on music concerts?
Music sound excites emotions and interest. People feel connected when they listen to music they like the most. One of the primary reasons for the youth attending music concerts is (that) it gives them an opportunity to meet and greet their favorite band or the singer in person. It unwinds them because they’re the idols from whom they take inspiration. The entire atmosphere is reverberating (=resound, echo) when you see boys and girls clap, dance, or sway to the beats. I guess such music concerts boost their happiness.
- There is a lot of pirated music. Do you agree that we should support official music?
Absolutely! You know it’s a crime to buy pirated stuff. Sometimes I wonder why people are so insensitive towards artists. They spend their life and blood to produce a charming piece of music to survive or make some money. But people don’t respect their skills in society. They just try to save some money at the cost of robbing someone’s livelihood. In my country, pirated music and photocopied books or other literature are a norm. Most people grow up using pirated stuff and photocopied books and brazenly (=blatantly, unashamedly) call themselves as saints.
- There is a saying: ‘Music is like Math.’ Do you agree?
Well, frankly speaking, I’ve heard this adage first time ever in my life. But I do see some connection between these two. I guess both of them follow the combinations, patterns, relationships, interdependence, and structures to produce a great result and idea. Maybe I’m wrong because I never took any interest in developing my skills in music. Neither did I have any formal education in music. This is the best I can postulate (=hypothesize, posit, presuppose) in my argument for this saying.
- Do you think music concerts are suitable for older people to attend?
I’ve generally not seen older people attending music concerts. And I also don’t see any reason to do so because people stand for hours clapping, dancing, and swaying to the beats. It’s an amazingly electrifying experience, but I don’t think that older people like such a setting to enjoy themselves. They prefer relatively calm events, maybe a town hall where limited seats are available for the audience, and they can sit and enjoy music.
- Why do shopping malls often have background music?
Shopping malls are filled with unimaginable crowds. Just imagine that all these shoppers and visitors talk to each other, making the entire environment noisy and loud. When you have soft background music, people experience some comfort and don’t get irritated.
- Do you think older people like the same music as younger people?
Yes, that’s possible in some cases but not all. I think older people give importance to good lyrics and melody with the combination of music, which matches the mood and theme of the story. However, one thing is sure that both these age groups will not accept all types of contemporary music. There will be some likings, and there won’t be. That’s because music is defined individually, and more importantly, it represents your time and life. For example, you would’ve heard the popular song of Freddie Mercury (Queen Band) – ‘Radio Ga Ga.’ Now, this song and its melody and lyrics may not have relevance in the present, so possibly the youth may not enjoy it. But when I listen to it, it reminds me of my school, old friends and gives me a smile on my face.
5. Describe a dinner that you enjoyed
- Who organized this meal and where you had it
- What you talked about during the meal
- What you ate and drank
- Why you enjoyed it
- I love tasty food, especially love trying different cuisines
- I can’t say I’m a gourmet, but one thing is sure that I wouldn’t eat anything that’s served on the plate
- I remember the dinner that we had last month. My boyfriend surprised me utterly by inviting me to the CN Tower on our first anniversary of dating
- I never thought that my boyfriend would give me a treat at one of Canada’s most expensive restaurants. As expected, it cost us more than $250, but it was all worth it
- Thankfully, it wasn’t the weekend, so there were relatively small numbers of people relishing the food
- Initially, I was thinking of saving my boyfriend’s money, so I was unable to decide what to order, but I guess he read my mind and encouraged me to order whatever I liked the most
- We both love Lasagna with wine and other French dishes. Everything was delightfully tasty, and more than the taste, it had a perfect setting to be with someone and share moments along with a meal
- This was really a gastronomic delight
- While having the meal, we talked about how we met and how far we have come in our lives, all those moments where we had our finest moments and also those dark moments where we hated each other for a while. We also talked about our immediate plans in our life and all other stuff
- I think that the main reason for liking and remembering this meal is because I was felt special and loved. On top of it, the food was awesome, and the experience was such that I thought I’d died and gone to heaven

- Will you choose a café or a restaurant when you meet others?
Well, it all depends upon the occasion. If friends decide to meet casually, the café will always be the right place because you may sit longer and eat less. Cafes serve bakery stuff, such as cookies, cakes, and light snacks, along with hot and cold beverages, such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks. We’ve too many cafes in our city, and trust me, all of them are unique in their offerings. The ambiance (=atmosphere, environs) of some cafes are cool and inviting.
If I’m really hungry or have a formal meet with my clients, then I would definitely choose restaurants over cafes. But, overall, the café will be my preferred choice.
- What are the differences between a café and a restaurant?
I think you wouldn’t note much difference between cafes and restaurants generally except the size, price, and ambiance. Cafes are meant to be a place for conversation, informal meetings, or a cup of coffee and sit in for a while on the run, whereas restaurants offer a perfect setting for having a meal with friends and family. They are expensive, and each restaurant is unique in ambiance with a pricey menu.
- Is it important to have a meal together with your family?
Definitely, yes. Having a meal together with your family has only advantages. You could enjoy the meal while discussing your day-to-day life and other issues. Such a conversation gives us some sort of mental relaxation, and you could deal with your work stress. Some parents do it on purpose to promote more sensible eating habits with their children. Children happen to learn all that profound (=deep, intelligent) wisdom of what’s good and what’s not in their eating habits from their parents. It also gives an opportunity to sit together and have fun while eating.
- Is it expensive to eat out in your country?
I don’t think so, but again it depends upon your income. India is not an expensive country for anything, but if you live from hand-to-mouth, then everything that you see is costly. For example, the McDonald’s burger cost me ₹150 in India and $5.50 in Canada. In the end, how much you save and purchasing power decides your spending power.
- More and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening?
‘Time is money,’ that’s what’s said. With time, pressure on working people has grown manifold, and it’s hard for them to cope with (X=not, cope up with) their personal and professional life. This could be the chief reason why people are unwilling to cook a meal for themselves. Another factor responsible for this phenomenon is the tremendous availability of fast food at a lower cost. People feel saving a lot of time by buying tasty fast food on the run. And, because of this propensity (=disposition, tendency) of consumer behavior, you see there have been countless fast-food joints that have come into existence everywhere in the world.
- Do you like to try new food?
Yes, I love trying new foods but may not like all. I’ve tried Lebanese food, Canadian food, and various cuisines of Indian food. I guess all cuisines have mouth-watering smells.
- What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
In my country, you see Chinese food everywhere. Sometimes I wonder that more than Chinese people, we consume their delicacies. In fact, I would say it’s not Chinese food but Indian-Chinese food as it is prepared according to the taste of India. Apart from Chinese, some European and Mexican delicacies are also popular.
- Do you like to cook at home?
Yes, I love to cook at home as long as time permits me. I believe home-cooked food is healthy. We are already going through worse of the food industry, such as increased hormones in the meat and the use of pesticides in vegetables, so fast food is junk for our body. Therefore, home-made food makes sense.
- What is the difference between having meals at home and a restaurant?
Both have their advantages. Meals at home are all about sitting with your family members and enjoying the healthy food, which is made of the right condiment, unadulterated oil, and fresh vegetables or meat. I personally love home-made food much, and I believe it’s tastier than that of made in restaurants. However, some people believe that meals at a restaurant are tastier than what’s cooked at home. Plus, you have an ambiance where you do nothing but order the food of your choice. That luxury is not there at home.
- How often do people in your country like to eat out?
I’m not sure how often they go out for a meal, but I guess they go once a week at least, especially during the weekend.
- Is it possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future?
I don’t think so. With time, people are getting matured with many things. I mean, you learn so many hidden or perilous (=hazardous, very dangerous) pieces of information of everything. The food industry has commercialized at the cost of unhealthy adulteration of chemicals and other things, which affects us heavily. Eating out is not a healthy habit, and I guess people are returning to the cooking of late.
- What are the advantages of eating at restaurants?
Two things come to my mind: one, it is super tasty, and two, it saves your precious time. Apart from these two advantages, I don’t see other benefits.
Hello Pooja,
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