- Describe a time when you received good news.
- What this news was
- When and where you heard it
- Why you think it was good news
- Our cellphones are filled with countless messages, and this digital junk has no value on most occasions unless they are of need
- I would like to share with you one of the important messages that I received around six months ago
- My cousin, Siffat, lives in Auckland, New Zealand. She did her master’s degree and decided to stay back in New Zealand
- She had been hunting for a better job for a long time but in vain
- Because of her consistent failure to obtain the desired job, she remained dejected (= disheartened, discouraged) and upset
- Everybody in the family was worried about her struggle. She is a very talented girl and deserves a beautiful life
- She persevered for her job hunt, and finally, she made progress in her career and got the job that she wanted
- So, it went like this. I wake up and check my phone. I read a notification of a new message, reading ‘Siffat Sis’. Generally, she sends messages via Whatsapp, but this was a regular text message, so it was bizarre (=strange)
- The message read, “Woohoo! Hey, couch potato (= idler, lazy person). I made it. I’ve got a job respecting my credentials in the Finance Dept. at AIG.” And, there was a stanza of a Hindi song reading, “Aaj me upar, aasman niche.”
- It was such encouraging and good news for everyone in the family
- I was happy for her success because we share a strong bond
- We both did school together up to higher secondary and always helped each other during all good and bad times

- What do you think of news on social media?
Social media is famous for its authentic and fake news. My personal experience suggests that it has drawn the attention mostly for fake news these days. By saying this, I don’t want to discredit this platform, but it’s people who fill this media with toxicity (=poisonous). Yes, sometimes it makes sense, and the other time, it wreaks havoc (=to do a great damage) when the fake news is spread. There have been occasions that we have seen unwanted and unnecessary hue and cry (=strong public protest about something) in society. Hence, it’s used more for propaganda than what ideally it was designed for.
- How do people in your country get news?
There are several ways people get acquainted with the latest news and updates. Some people prefer a traditional way of knowing about what’s happening around them. They use newspapers or get updated on TV. People like me neither read newspapers nor do watch TV for updates. They read news online through apps installed on the phone. Some people visit Twitter as well because anything controversial happens in your country, a relevant hashtag is created by the community, and people’s views start clouding (=confuse) your judgment.
- What kinds of news do people in your country usually watch or read?
I guess it all depends upon what kind of person you are and your age. For example, the youth loves to know more about their idols, sportspeople, celebrities, or maybe something about the latest technology or gadgets. In the mid-range, people may prefer to learn more about the labor market conditions, stock market, businesses, politics, and cars, among others. The older people gravitate to topics of health, faith, and community welfare. So, it all depends upon who you are, what mindset you have, where you come from, your background, your financial needs, and whatnot.
- How do people like to share the good news?
In the past, when any good news broke, people used to call each other and shared the piece of news. The same goes for any bitter news. Nowadays, people forward web links of the news via WhatsApp. But this WhatsApp has become a nuisance in my country. You know, some people may like some piece of news, and that’s quite understandable, too. But it may not be useful for others. Plus, some people want to flaunt (=advertise, brandish, proclaim) as they are intellectual and keep abreast of all the happening around the world. So, what they do is they pass on such pieces of news on WhatsApp just to gain non-existent and superficial praise for them.
- Why do some people like to share news on social media?
I guess they get pleasure by doing that. Furthermore, some people pour out their hearts to (=to tell somebody all your problems, feelings, etc.) others, and it’s just a tendency. At times, they are concerned about their friends and family, and some news pieces may affect them somehow. Hence, they want to give them a heads-up (=a piece of information given in advance of something or as advice), while others have no clue why they are doing so. I mean, in some cases, there is no logic behind certain acts, and on most occasions, you will come across such people doing it unwittingly. They just get pleasure without any reason. For example, some people have a habit of honking (=beep, blare) while driving. And when you investigate why they blow the horn, there won’t be any specific reason, but they enjoy doing so.
- How do companies tell everyone their news?
Most companies have paid promotions on social media. They use this platform extensively to promote their products or share any new updates concerning their products. So, they run an advert campaign for their products. For example, Flipkart and Amazon organize flash sales every year, and they invest heavily in promotional activities using social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google search optimization, Twitter, and traditional newspapers to attract buyers.
- Why do local people like to read local news?
Because it’s connected to them. I mean, I would be more interested to learn about traffic snarls while I’m driving and least bothered about the traffic of Mumbai or Bangalore at that moment. The local issues draw my attention because they could affect my or others’ day-to-day life. Yes, I would be interested in enlightenment (=knowledge) of what’s happening around my country and the world and would give more prominence (=the state of being important) to things that are happening in my city.
- When do people share the good news?
Whenever they feel that some extraordinary event or thing has happened to them for which they have been yearning or waiting for some time. Their hearts swell with happiness. Some good news could be a life-changing event for them, and they cannot wait but share it instantly with the world. Humans are social animals and love to share things, emotional triggers, rumors, learning, frustrations, and whatnot.
- How does technology affect the delivery of news?
Well, technology has greatly impacted the delivery of news. In the absence of technology, we had to wait for the newspaper to arrive the next day to get updates or wait for the news bulletin on TV or radio. With the Internet, we get up-to-the-minute pieces of news. A timely-delivery of news could be beneficial to some people and may help them avert (=avoid, deter, foil) any danger, also. For example, the stock market reacts to any good or bad news instantly, so if you want to stay ahead of others in making a profit, you must use technology for instant updates.
- Is it easier to pass information now than in the past?
Without a doubt, it is. You just need to click the button, and the message is sent. I remember my father saying that his mom used to wait for a hand-written letter from her nanny or brother when he was a kid. Can we think that it could happen now? ‘Nay.’ So, my point is technology has brought the world closer than ever before. And you have multiple ways to connect with the world instantly. Some of them are social media or digital apps such as Zoom, JioMeet, Microsoft Team, WhatsApp calling, Google Duo, and many other apps, and technology platforms make our lives better and easier. This privilege was non-existent in the past. In a way, our generation is lucky to have the boon (=blessing, godsend, windfall) of technology, which our parents or grandparents did not have.
2. Describe a book you read that you found useful.
- What the book is, and what it is about
- Why you read it
- When you read it
- Why you think it is useful
- I generally read articles or books online these days. It’s been a while that I’ve read a paper book
- Let me pull out something from my reading history. Yes, I read a popular book named ‘The Alchemist’ last year
- This book has an amazing story to inspire and look inward at what we are and what we want from our life. Plus, how we measure our life in the end
- Paulo Coelho is the author of this wonderful novel. It’s a very old book, but yet it makes sense in our present times
- The story speaks about an inspiring journey towards self-discovery. There’s no doubt that wisdom and mysticism (=the belief that knowledge of God or real truth can be found through prayer and meditation rather than through reason and the senses) combine in this classic novel that has sold millions of copies of it worldwide
- The story depicts the journey of a young shepherd boy who wishes to travel the world in search of treasure. But he ends up discovering an entirely different type of riches, which he never imagined in the beginning
- The story teaches us to listen to our hearts, which many a time we ignore it. And evaluate and recognize our unique opportunities in life and chase the dream and passion
- I would recommend this book to people of all ages because there’s something for everyone to learn and understand from this fantastic story. The youth will enjoy reading it and might find some connection to their desires and restlessness in this story

- What is the difference between paper books and ebooks?
As far as the content and delivery of the message is concerned, both have similar values. However, more and more people are getting used to ebooks because they don’t need to carry all books while traveling and switch from one book to another at will and take advantage of technology. Additionally, people are more conscious about the environment these days, so they prefer ebooks. It’s because ebooks are not contributors to the cutting of trees. That said, yet I like to read paper books. Maybe because I’ve grown up reading paper books, and I love the smell of the paper also. But as I said the environmental concerns, I’ve switched to ebooks now. It was a hard decision to make, but I’m more worried about Mother Nature than my personal wish.
- What is the difference between the reading habits of young people and old people?
I guess the preference of reading topics changes as you get older in most cases. For example, when I was a kid, I loved reading comic books, and those stories of Phantom, He-Man, Joker, Batman, and their images always captivated and took me to a wonderful paradise of imaginations. Then, I grew up reading schoolbooks and all other related to my academic curriculum and then entered the world of reading novels. These days, I read books on tourism, fictional stories, motivation, politics, sports, investing, and whatnot. This is my rough assumption that people might have such a preference. If not all, something similar must be there. And as we know that when people enter their fifties, they prefer to read books on faith, humanity, and topics encompassing (=covering) helping and understanding the world and its pains and sweet endings.
- Some people say that it is easier for children who start reading at a young age to succeed. Do you agree?
My answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ both. Reading unlocks the world of information as long as you are interested in developing yourself pertaining to any topic or subject. It certainly makes you articulate and composed. A little bit of extra information always gives a head start (=an advantage that someone has over other people in something such as a competition or race) once you’re set on starting a new journey on any topic or research. However, whatever you learn throughout your academics has no value until you utilize and execute your learning practically. You may have seen students having straight ‘A’s during their studies but fail miserably in their careers also. It’s because they were outperformers during their studies but unsuccessful in implementing their learning in the labor market. Hence, my eyes won’t ever dazzle at the habit of reading at all. I will always monitor the execution.
- Are libraries important nowadays?
Yes, they are, and they will always be. But the question here is how many people and students go to libraries nowadays. I guess ‘very few,’ and that’s the matter of concern. Additionally, people prefer ebooks, so they have several books installed on their devices. Therefore, libraries are under threat.
- What books do children like to read?
Children enjoy watching cartoons and reading comic books in most cases. They are entertaining and suit their preference. But as they grow, books on academic content become a priority for them, especially in India. The reason behind this imposed habit is the educational ecosystem grinds students badly. They have to perform and perform exceptionally well in order to appease the wish of parents or society. That said, some students buck the trend (=to resist or oppose something) and yet find some time to read books on various topics, such as sports, music, fashion, and entertainment. I’ve also seen students reading novels, too. And yes, it is truly an impressive habit for sure.
- Do you think paper books will disappear?
It’s hard to say that they will disappear. Looking at the current trend, it seems, though, because most students are switching to ebooks. But, maybe I think this could be a passing fad. But again, I could be wrong also in my assumption. I say this because recently, students have been made to study online during the coronavirus pandemic, and most of them are really not enjoying online studies or anything to read online much. They hop back to paper books on most occasions, citing stress on eyes.
- Do people read more nowadays?
I think so. In the past, we had magazines, newspapers, and other books to read, and we had to spare some time and find the place to read the books of interest. But, now it has changed dramatically because everyone carries a smartphone loaded with several apps. These apps keep sending notifications of the up-to-the-minute update, and because of the convenience factor, people tend to read many things on the run. For example, when I take a mini-break of say 5 to 10 minutes, I complete any article of my choice. So, I guess the reading habit of the people has changed and significantly increased.
- Do you read before going to bed?
Not much, to be honest with you. In the past, yes, I used to read before I went to bed, but these days, I more often watch something on ‘YouTube’ than read a book. In a way, it’s one and the same thing for me. Whatever type of enlightenment that I yearn for, I get it from ‘YouTube’ videos. Yes, I cannot have some options, such as novels and comic books that I read when I was very young. In a nutshell, my reading has reduced, and at times, this fact also annoys me.
- How will ebooks affect paper books?
It’s believed that they will replace paper books in the years to come. I don’t know whether it will happen or not. But one thing is sure that it has impacted the sale of paper books extraordinarily because most environmentally-conscious people are switching to ebooks. Let’s see what unfolds in the future. To date, I would say that ebooks have run over their counterparts
- What is the difference between films and books?
Well, we cannot compare them both. It’s like comparing an orange with an apple. Both have unique offerings and a set of enjoyment. Films entertain or acquaint you with what’s happening in the world with fictional or true stories. Within a couple of hours, you enter a world of fantasy. They are as dearly as books, while books need a different type of mindset. I mean, everyone will not be interested in reading books, but most people will be interested in watching movies of their preferences.
3. Describe a good decision you made recently.
- What the decision was, and how you made it
- When you made it
- Why it was a good decision
- How you felt about it
- The best decision that I’ve made in my life to date is to study for a master’s degree in Canada
- This decision was on the cards (=likely to happen) while I was doing my bachelors’ degree in India. However, there were times when I got confused about this decision a little bit. It’s mainly the cost factor that made me review my decision
- If I study in India, it will cost me no greater than ₹1 million (₹10 Lacs), whereas it costs me nearly ₹3 million (₹30 Lacs) when I study in Canada. Because of the cost only, I was puzzled for some time, but my dad counseled and encouraged me to go ahead with my decision to study overseas
- It’s a hard decision to make for me as my family is not wealthy. This decision could throw away their hard-earned money. But my father has farsightedness and explained to me the rationale (=hypothesis, justification, explanation) behind his approval. In the end, we were on the same page (=in agreement)
- So, while I was completing my last year of the undergrad degree, I decided it firmly and started preparation for the same
- I guess this decision will be considered as a milestone in my career. I’m studying software designing along with mobile app development. Generally, technologists have either of them in specialization, whereas I possess both skills
- North America is a hub for new technologies, and it’s considered a powerhouse of the tech world. Obviously, my skill is in demand in India as well, but the only problem that I see while staying back in my homeland is it doesn’t offer good remuneration and benefits for skills. If I study and work there, what I can make in the next ten years will not be possible to do so in my country’s next 20 years. So, that’s the biggest difference and the main factor for me to go abroad for higher studies and stay back there
- I foresee that I will be in a purple patch (=a period of success or good luck) after completing of my studies. Just that feeling of being successful in the future makes me feel proud of my decision

- What is the difference between decisions that children and adults make?
First of all, we can never compare decisions made by children and adults. Adults have experience of years in the field that they are involved in. Plus, with professional experience, they’ve attained a number of essential life skills, which guide them further to be wiser. They have seen more days and nights than children and have navigated through several challenges. That makes them pragmatic, calm, reasonable, considerate, and efficient. Hence, when they make decisions, generally, there is some rationale for making such a decision.
In contrast, children are impulsive (=rash), impatient, less experienced of many challenges, and at times, reckless. I don’t want to discredit them, but the naked reality of life is people get matured with time and experiencing challenges. Therefore, I would suggest children to consult with their seniors at home before making any big decision. Having said that, children should be allowed to make decisions that are not consequential (=important) and don’t impact their careers or lives. For example, when they decide to buy a bike of their choice, they should be allowed to purchase the bike they’ve their heart is set on.
- Does a change of the decision mean that what you did previously failed?
Failures teach us for good. Even if somebody has made an ugly decision, he has an opportunity to correct it. “To err is human” – that’s what the maxim (=adage) says. Plus, nobody can make all the right decisions ever. Every wrong decision leaves a lesson to learn from it. At times, under certain circumstances, people also need to tweak their choices.
- Is it good for children to make decisions when they are young?
As long as small decisions are concerned, yes, they should be offered leeway (=latitude, space) to make such decisions. Such latitude will prepare them for adulthood and success. But if any decision involves farsightedness, a lot of money, career-making, risk-taking, or any other important element, I would advise them to consult their family members. Because sometimes a wrong decision could cost unimaginable pain and hardship. For example, a child under 18 might insist on driving the car, and if he is allowed, he might endanger his life and others. In a nutshell, children should be prohibited from making certain types of decisions, but not all. It’s a delicate balance that parents must maintain for the betterment of their children.
- Why do people make decisions?
Because sometimes they have to, according to the situation.
- At what age can children make decisions on their own?
I guess the right age for children to make decisions is 18. Undoubtedly, at the age of 18, they are relatively young to make decisions, but we gotta offer some leeway so that they can stand on their feet gradually.
- What decisions do people make every day?
If we talk about decisions made every day, they are related to our day-to-day life, which may not be of great importance. However, things change when you’re employed or run a business. In a business or job, you may need to make crucial decisions every day. Right decisions made every day reap desired fruition in the long run. For example, an attempt to satisfy your clients every day help your business grow exponentially when we analyze it year on year basis.
- How can people improve their decision-making skills?
Life is a journey, not the destination. Each right or wrong decision leaves some sort of learning. Sometimes it could be bitter and the other time a feeling of pride. When the wrong decisions in businesses are made, we see everything slow to a grind. The opposite is also true. Your personal and professional life improves by leaps and bounds (=very quickly) with the right decisions. In a nutshell, constant decision-making has a steep learning curve.
- What skills are necessary when making decisions?
I think, first of all, people must exercise patience and have an analytical attitude while making any decision. Good people analyze statistics, research opportunities and threats, seek advice from the experts, and use their common sense. These qualities in the combination help you reach the right decision in all the probabilities. In some cases, even though we go through such steps, we may make the wrong decisions.
- What do you think are the qualities of a good leader or a good decision-maker?
I guess they’re reasonable in their expectations in the first place. They run through all the scenarios, such as what will happen if things go wrong. For example, they have three possible results: Optimistic scenario, Reasonable scenario, and Pessimistic scenario. When they go through such steps, they’re all prepared for emergent situations to tweak their plans. This is how they win while making decisions. They think critically and analytically and leave no room for decisions made by impulsive behavior or driven by gut instinct.
- When do people change their decisions?
Sometimes halfway in the journey, we realize our follies (=mistake). Some people, especially those who possess a negative mindset, paint too much of a doomsday (=the last day of the world) picture and allow the situation to slip out of hands. But some are resilient (=buoyant, strong, tough) by nature and force; they correct the course of their journeys and try to minimize the impact of the wrong decision. You’ve got to take corrective measures to make things better in some cases.
4. Describe the first time when you used a foreign language to communicate.
- Where it happened
- When it happened
- Who you talked to
- How you felt about the conversation
- The language provides us a primary method of communication. It’s hard to learn any foreign language; no matter how hard we try to improve it, we cannot be as good as a native speaker for sure
- In India, most people study in the school where the medium of instruction is the English language. I can proudly say that we are far better than other nationals in speaking and writing the English language. But there’s also a caveat (=warning). Can we speak like native speakers? In most cases, the answer is ‘no’
- It’s a continuous process of getting better in the language. I remember my linguistic skill in the English language was tested when I started my freshman year in the USA
- Until then, our teachers and others spoke in the English language, but we always mixed our vernacular language, and in most cases, it was an Indian English instead. I mean, a pure translation from the mother tongue into the foreign language. And it looks funny on many occasions
- After completing of my first course, I had to do a presentation before an audience of around 400 people in the auditorium. They were students, professors, and other people from the industry. Most of them were born Americans whose first language was English
- This is the first time where I felt less confident while speaking in English. I feared that I was judged on my language. Obviously, my pronunciation delivery, intonation, and stress were not akin to those of native speakers
- And somehow, I completed my presentation with low confidence, impacting my marks also
- But that was a steep learning curve for me. My classmate, who is a born American and native speaker, calmed my nerve and counselled me about where I was wrong. Ever since that experience, I’ve never looked back and improved on pronunciation delivery, intonation, stress, and colloquial language

- Will minority languages disappear?
I guess they will gradually vanish for many reasons. Evolution is a natural process. Humankind adopts and disowns many things with time. For example, I’m a Sindhi, I know how to speak it and understand various dialects also. But I don’t know how to read or write it. Now, here is the concern! Perhaps, our next generations may even struggle to speak and understand it. There are several languages that are on the brink of extinction. And that’s why many governments are trying to revive vernacular languages by including them in academic courses at the school level. Languages disappear owing to the natural process of migration, and in some cases, they are destroyed by force. For example, ‘Saraiki Language’ in Pakistan is on the verge of disappearance because the state has imposed ‘Urdu’ as a national language on all citizens without sympathy for many people.
- Is learning a language since childhood good for the child?
My answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ both. I would say ‘yes’ because children retain the learning well when they’re very young, and as they grow, their retention skill gets debilitated (=weaken) because they’re surrounded by unimaginable external and internal concerns.
However, when we force or create an environment for children to learn another language at a young age, they may lose their command over native languages. So, all in all, you get something and lose something. And, it’s arbitrary (=subjective).
- Is spoken language more important than written language?
I don’t think so. Maybe we speak more and write less in our day-to-day life. But it all depends upon your own circumstances. Suppose your job entails back-end processing where you need to write too much and speak less; there, the importance of writing supersedes spoken language. So, it’s all about your situations, but I believe both skills are equally significant in our lives.
- Do you think learning a foreign language is important?
Again, my answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ both. Some people enjoy learning other languages because they see intrinsic value in them. Some people have to learn a foreign language because the ecosystem has been created such. For example, we Indians yearn for speaking the English language fluently as most international trades and domestic transactions take place in English, and therefore, it’s a requirement to climb the ladder of success. In India, there’s another group of people who feels pride in the English language proficiency for some unknown reasons. They feel associated with the language and like to be called ‘Angrez.’ Hence, it comes down to what you want to achieve by learning the foreign language.
- Do you think English will be the mainstream language of the world in the future?
No. I don’t think so. Native languages will be dominant in the years to come, and they won’t be replaced ever. Yes, some minority languages will be at a loss and may disappear in the future.
- Can people learn English and not learn another language?
If it’s decided, anybody can learn any language in the world. No mission is impossible against the will of the doer. You just need a purpose for doing anything. Motivation always ensues (=come up, arise, emanate).
- When learning a foreign language, which part is easier – Speaking or Writing?
I think speaking is easier than writing in any language. Because speaking doesn’t involve a complex grammar structure, and your expressions and gestures speak unspoken things, so it’s handy for speakers.
- Some people travel to learn a foreign language. What do you think about this preference?
I support this notion. You tend to learn any language better when you are surrounded by native speakers. You learn significant elements of the language by interacting with native speakers formally or informally. And, it’s like building blocks every day.
- Do you think grammar is important?
Yes, it’s without any equivocation (=without any doubt). Or the meaning and context will be distorted. I know some people say that grammar isn’t something to concentrate on. But they forget that people lose their professional integrity by using erroneous language. If I talk about myself, I won’t dare to read any material if the first couple of lines don’t make sense and grammatically incorrect. I will throw it away.
- Is it popular to learn English in your country?
Yes, very much. English is a very much popular language in India. In fact, I would say that every Indian desires to speak in English fluently. They feel a status symbol if they are proficient in this language.
- Why do some people learn languages so quickly?
I guess there are two reasons for this. One, some people are good at grasping any learning, and it’s a God gift. Some people memorize swiftly, which may not be possible for everyone. Two, some people have an interest in learning languages. Again, it’s a choice or a dream, I could say. For example, I have seen people working hard to improve their French or English proficiency in India. Not because they want to go overseas, but they feel confident and content to have command over other languages.
- What are the difficulties of learning a new language?
There could be many for sure. Non-native speakers don’t have an environment where the other language is widely used. And therefore, they make a lot of mistakes because there’s no one to correct their mistakes. Everyone is just involved in a trial and error process, so they stay away from the language’s purity. Additionally, some people start learning a new language with great zest in the beginning, but that strong desire to learn a new language fades away after some time as every skill takes your dedication, time, patience, and die-hard efforts. Everyone is not born to possess such qualities.
5. Describe an area of science that interests you.
- What science it is
- How you got interested in it
- How you learn this science
- Why this science is interesting to you
- The science course never interested me when I was in school. I studied it for the sake of studying and chose the concentration of engineering for my career
- But after many years, I found a renewed interest in one of the branches of Science, which is Astronomy
- I guess most children grow up watching ‘Discovery’ or ‘NatGeo’ TV stations that host some informative documentaries, including space probes
- Their findings and commentaries are always captivating, and you feel knowing more about outer space. This interest fortified further when my idol, Elon Musk, decided to commercialize space travel
- Additionally, I remember my father always telling me the contribution of Ancient India as the original home of mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. He talked about the connection between ‘Kumbh Mela’ and ‘the Indian Calendar, Vikram Samvat,’ and their relationship with the observation of the stars, moon, sun, and planets that formed the basis of navigation and timekeeping
- What NASA observed in the last 20 years was the part of our rich Indian culture centuries back
- Learning more about Astrophysics was never an intent of academic passion as my interest in exploring new things of outer space and how the cosmos influences are meaningful in our lives was merely casual
- Hence, I started to collate (=gather) details of it casually by reading books, watching documentaries, and listening to people around me
- There are countless things that are unanswered, and I think I will learn them as time passes
- I also think that Astronomy is connected with our day-to-day life, and we will know of its significance sooner
- Today, modern observations are made in all parts of the spectrum. It’s not limited only to radio frequencies or X-rays

- Do you think science is important?
Science is one of the precious assets of humankind. It defines us. Without science, we wouldn’t have made progress in many worthwhile areas. Just imagine what we were some ten to twenty centuries ago. We all humans knew only three things: food, sleep, and sex. We didn’t do anything good to save humanity.
Science is a systematic study of many concentrations backed by evidence, data, observation, and hypothesis. Synthesis and analysis of all these statistics keep us evolving and get better. Without science, we will only be like other animals who know only three things that I stated.
- How does science influence our life?
It’s of great assistance in many ways. The systematic studies of various branches gave birth to (figurative) several useful innovations and inventions, which are directly linked to our day-to-day lives. For example, life expectancy was around 30 years some three hundred years ago, which has improved to 60+ these days. This has become possible only because of the untiring efforts of our scientists in medical science. This is just one example, and there are many other branches where we take advantage of in-depth studies of science. It offers the potential for long-term benefits to all.
- Should children learn science?
Yes, they must, at least, up to a higher secondary level. Children must study the combination of courses, including science, for the overall development of theirs. Science course teaches them to synthesize information, analyze outcomes, hypothesize situations, brainstorm challenges, and many other things. This develops their minds to think critically, backed by evidence. Plus, what’s been happening around us over the centuries is a subject of curiosity and relevance. The more they learn about these, the better prepared they will be. Maybe they could be potential innovators or inventors!
- Do you think science can change our society?
Yes, definitely. We have already been reaping its benefits in all areas that have touched human life. I mean, we’ve been using medical devices, renewable energies, advanced technologies in agriculture, health-enhancing treatments, outer space explorations, radio frequencies, and whatnot. The contribution of scientists has made our life comfortable, safe, and secure. Without science, we would have traveled on horses, elephants, and ponies and covered our bodies with leaves and sung ‘Jingalaalaa’ in the jungle.
- How can museums help (children) learn science?
In a great way! Museums familiarize children with a wide range of information on several topics. It all depends on the students’ interests and areas of study. It’s a great collection of things and information specific to a particular subject. They can get acquainted with what happened in the past in related studies and incorporate it with their studies or increase awareness of the specific field. For example, we’ve anthropology, archeology, and ethnographic museums. Here children can learn about the collection of antiquities, the conservation and restoration of historic sites, human remains, archeological thefts, intellectual properties, and so on. This is just one example. You have museums in many areas where children can improve their understanding of their interests.
- Which area of science is the most important in the last one hundred years?
There could be many, but my answer is medical science. We’ve seen a tremendous improvement in medical science. Most countries have invested billions of dollars to better human life. I think each decade belongs to some sort of medical breakthrough from which we have been significantly benefitted. For example, penicillin’s discovery might not hold a reputation today, but it was one of the greatest achievements to better humans’ health. Today, lives are saved by blood transfusions and heart transplants, and the lives of the handicapped have been made easy by the use of prosthetics (=artificial parts of the body). Today, amputees (=a person whose arm or leg amputated) can live a respectable life with these artificial body parts. The latest one is the study of DNA that carries genetic information. So, the list is endless.
- Which do you think is more important, science or social studies?
I guess both are equally significant without a doubt. Science helps us live better and healthy, whereas social study sheds light on how our society has evolved, and our cultural ties play a role in humankind. It encompasses the basic understanding of equality and justice, which are the basis of society’s foundation.